Untitled (The Way of Liberty), 1945
Untitled (37 Ludzas Street), 1945-1949
Hanging at Stutthof, 1946
Liberation of Magdeburg, 1946
Russian Prisoners Being Punished in Stutthof, 1946
Roll Call in Concentration Camp, 1946
Portrait of My Mother Before Shooting, 1947
Pinups over Mother and Child, 1947-1957
Dismembered Women: Giving Bread, 1949
Untitled, 1950
Combat, 1951
Comic Strip Acrobat, 1951-1952
Rocks is Legs is Breasts, 1951-52
Dismembered Woman, 1955
Untitled, 1955-58
Untitled, 1955-59
Untitled (Two Women) , 1956
Untitled (Black and White Paintings) , 1957
Untitled, 1957-58
Untitled (Dance Hall), 1957-59
Guilt, 1957-8
NO with Stripper (Relief), 1958-1962
NO with Pinups and Shadow , 1959-1963
Adieu Amerique, 1959-60
Loins of Pork, 1959-62
Adieu America, 1960
Untitled (Fabulous Femmes), 1961
Lumumba is Dead (Adieu Amerique), 1961
Red Painting, 1961-1969
NOs Cut Into Cardboard, 1962
What Kind of Love Is This?, 1962
Salad, 1962
Quench Your Thirst, 1962
Bananas, 1962
Green Eyes, 1962
NO Record, 1962
Little Girls, 1962
NO with Linoleum, 1962
NO on Torn Pinups, 1962-63
Reds, 1962-1963
No with Candy, 1962-63
Torn Pinups, 1962-63
Altered Man (Cabot Lodge), 1963
Altered Man (Cabot Lodge), 1963
Immigrant's NO Suitcase (Anti-Pop), 1963
NO Stencil, 1963
Tomato, 1963
Untitled (NO Sprayed), 1963
Altered Man (Cabot Lodge), 1963
NO Posters Mounted , 1963
Altered Man (Cabot Lodge), 1963
NO Poster (Flowers), 1963
NO Poster , 1963
NO Poster, 1963
NO with Pinup and Flowers, 1963
Altered Man (Cabot Lodge), 1963
NO (Red & Black), 1963
NO Poster, 1963
Altered Man (Cabot Lodge), 1963
Death Landscape, 1964
Literal Paintings: Pinup Head, 1969
Rope and Stars of David, 1970-74
Untitled, 1970-74
God, 1970s
Untitled, 1971-73
Untitled (Deliberate Pinup), 1971-73
Hair, 1972
Sold-Sold, 1972
Hard Writings: IN, 1972-73
Hard Writings: PISS, 1972-73
Cement Star of David, 1972-74
Knife in Cement, 1972-74
Knife in Cement Star of David, 1972-74
Knives in Cement, 1972-74
Knives in Cement, 1972-74
Untitled, 1972-74
Knife in cement, 1972-74
Altered Israeli Flags with Yellow Star of David, 1974
To my Sheina Gitl/My Valentine, 1981
Ax Series, 2003
Ax Series, 2003
Untitled, c. 1946
Untitled, c. 1946
Untitled, c. 1946
Untitled, c. 1946
Untitled, c. 1946
Untitled, c. 1946
Untitled, c. 1946
Untitled, c. 1946
Untitled, c. 1946
Untitled, c. 1946
Untitled, c. 1946
Untitled, c. 1946
Untitled , c. 1946
Untitled, c. 1946
Untitled (Aftermath), c. 1946
Untitled (Cat), c. 1946
Untitled (RK), c. 1946
Pinup Girl, c. 1955
Untitled, Late 1940s
Dismembered Women: Nude, Stepping, c. 1955
Dismembered Woman, c. 1955
Three Women, c. 1958-1959
Untitled (Adieu Love), c. 1960
NO with Lipstick, c. 1962
Torn Pinups in Wax, c. 1962
Altered Photos: Pinup (Dismembered Figure), c. 1963
Love Series: Blindfolded, c. 1963
Silver NO on Torn Pinups, c. 1963
Railroad Collage (Railroad to America), c. 1963
No (Baby Lotion), c. 1963
NOs with Skull and Crossbones, c. 1963
NO on Yellow Stripe, c. 1963
Crumpled "Bound and Gagged" , c. 1963
NO, c. 1969
Shit NO, c. 1969
American, c. 1970
American, c. 1970
American, c. 1970
Untitled, c. 1970
Modern Art Oil Painting, c. 1972
Untitled (Corset with Stars of David) , c. 1972
Shoes, c. 1972
Sold, c. 1972
Untitled, c. 1973
Yellow Star of David over Red Flag, c. 1973
Untitled, c. 1974
Untitled (Deliberate Pinup), c. 1975
Untitled (Deliberate Pinup), c. 1975
Untitled, Late 1960s
Sold God, Late 1970s